Get to Know me ...

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Today I continued preparing a discarded children's book. I'm roughing and gessoing the pages to make them ready for whatever layering might strike me in this journey . . . 
. . . and applying primer color to each page . . . 
. . . to create an art journal - of sorts - that will convey some semblance of a personal chakra journey. 
I still have the purple-to-pearly "white" pages to prep, but I'm making progress. I'll be posting more on this art project as it progresses, so check in from time to time. 

I prepared for my food fermentation lecture and demonstration that I'm doing tomorrow at Taste!Organic Connecticut. Part of that preparation included making harvests from my gardens. Aren't these carrots just lovely? Oh, and tasty
I also needed radishes and green onions and grape leaves. The rest I procured at a local Farmer's Market today, where there was only one organic vender who received all of my business.
So today . . . I made preparations. That's what I made today.


  1. That journal looks very cool and original. Keep us posted, I would love to see how it turns out.

  2. The book project looks fascinating... can't wait to see what you do with it!

    Your carrots make me miss my garden, and appreciate our farmer's markets that much more.

  3. I'm curious to see the book in it's finished form too! And those carrots look yummy...I love carrots!

  4. The journal is a great idea. I like the theme.

    The veggies look absolutely delish!!!

  5. I love your blog. Easy to follow, kept my attention.

    And I like to walk in the woods too, so instant rapport!

    Nice. (I am JadedWolfStudios, I found your blog via Etsy.)

  6. how about a tshirt that says Proud To Be a WASP*?

    (*woman against sarah palin) :)

  7. i cant wait to see the finished book and what you do with it!

  8. Love the journal you're working on - can't wait to see the outcome!

  9. I like that book! What a fun idea for recycling books.


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