Get to Know me ...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Coffee with Cream & Sugar

I usually drink it black, like the night sky ... like the space between the stars ... the mystery of Inanna.

Yet, the final cup this morning begged for light and sweetness. As it is, so shall it be.

Have a day of light and sweetness.


  1. Light and sweet, mmmm! I love the book in the picture.

  2. MMMM I love my coffee with cream and sugar. I can't drink it black but it is a must in the morning :-) Love the pic too

  3. This is my goddess journal that I'm making in a Suzi Blu workshop.

    Click on the pic to take a *closer* look ... at the coffee ...

  4. just want to thank you for the lovely comment about my new flyer.
    cheered me up no end!

  5. Great post...Simple and sweet!
    Please stop by for my new blog giveaway...really a beautiful item and just in time for Christmas. I'd love to be able to give back to those who gave to me:)

  6. Ah, everyday is a light coffee day for me. Love the book that's resting peacefully next to your cup - so beautiful!

  7. Every day is a cream & sugar day here.... enjoy yours!

  8. Ahhh---poetic coffee! I love it.
    Smiles, Karen


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