Get to Know me ...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Most of the First Snow

A late morning complete with coffee in bed. A nice walk with the dog in the falling snow. One of my Cheryl-neighbors (I have two) threw open her sash to holler out "Good morning!" Greetings were called back as the walk continued in the swirling flakes. A return to a warm little hut to work on the frames I had picked up at Goodwill, as well as the wee one's that the boy is making for me to finish.

A day of the football irony (I'm a Giant's fan). A nice dinner with Maple Ale. A very nice evening.


  1. A walk in the snow sounds so lovely. One day I'll do it!

  2. im up to nearly 12,000 words in this book. i can't believe how fast its writing itself. teh frames are beautiful!!

  3. Mmmm, what a wonderful cozy day you describe, complete with coffee in bed. Sounds perfectly glorious.

  4. love the frames and what they contain - how happy to have such a glorious day :)

  5. what a beautiful sounding day. the frames really compliment the artwork. Bravo!!!!

  6. I love these - I collect frames from GoodWill, too; & paint them at times - love them hanging on the medicinals shelf! I shall have to revisit often - love your wize herbal info & advice :)
    (the word is cherynos - cherry nos??) :)

  7. Ooh, I love hanging empty frames! Nice pics!


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