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Monday, December 22, 2008

Meatloaf & Goddesses

Today I made meatloaf, roasted potatoes and simmered carrots. I made plans to bake cookies and make soap. I made time and sacred space for my Be.Divine workshop and played with clay and made little goddess fetishes and my own little Venus of Willendorf. I doodled more on those pages, this time with goddess figures featured.

That's what I made today.


  1. My kids are off for almost 2 weeks from school. I hope to make all kinds of things in that time, while we are free from schedules and homework.

    I hope you share a picture of your goddess fetishes!

  2. mrsb - enjoy that "down" time with family!!!

    As for the goddesses ... I'm reserving those images for my class right now, but will eventually share a bit here too. So, I beg you for patience! Blessings!

  3. meatloaf sounds good, i haven't had it in a while....
    I'd love to see your clay goddesses. I've begun working with clay a little and am finding it quite interesting.


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