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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Time, Cocoa & an Unexpected Gift

I made time to ice my back after shoveling ... and shoveling some more. 
I made hot cocoa to warm my iced back - the real deal ... organic cocoa, sugar, a pinch of salt, a splash of vanilla and milk.  I actually threw in a cinnamon stick to the brew as well.

I made a scarflette with a sweet wool and acrylic blend. This photo doesn't do it justice - not even a little. The colors are awesome. I made it for me, but after chatting on the phone with my mom (for an hour and forty minutes!), I find myself preparing it to be sent to her. I'll make another for me. (To my multi-media friends, that's gel medium on my shirt - Forever!)

That's what I made today. That, and Yuletide blessings.


  1. there's nothing like REAL hot cocoa on a snowy afternoon!!! love your method of icing your back, too!! happy solstice!!!

  2. ohhhhh wow wow wow

    That hot chocolate!!!!!!

  3. Looks like a wonderful day to me. I love the image of you laying in the snow. The first few shovelings are the hardest. Then it seems my back adjusts to that kind of work. Hope you do too, but then again there is always regular hot cocoa! Lovely neck wrap!

  4. Looks like some good cocoa there. I can use some of that. Yuletide blessings to you.

  5. Hi, it's so nice to read your blog !! I love the scarf, it looks so colourful and that cocoa looks so yummy !!!
    Have a wonderful day and I hope you had a great Yule !!!

  6. That looks delicious!
    Yesterday was summer solstice here!!
    The longest day in the year!

  7. mmm - your hot cocoa looks delightful! ...And the cozy scarf - fabulous! Hope your Solstice was warm and wonderful! *great big Yuletide hugs!* <3

  8. Sounds like a perfect Yule weekend! Our snow came followed by hoards of rain, so there were no snow angels for us (though we could have made some nice mud angels if it had been warmer, lol!).

  9. Ah, a snow angel and delicious real cocoa - sheer magic!

  10. Now, that is hot chocolate.
    What a beautiful scarflette - mom will love it.

  11. I don't think I've ever even HAD REAL cocoa...but it looks splendid!

  12. I love good cocoa. Fresh shaved Chocolate, Milk then I add Cinnamon, Ginger, Chili and Vanilla and Sugar. Mmmmm...!
    I hope you have a safe journey and enjoyed your Solistice.


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