Get to Know me ...

Friday, December 19, 2008


Remember those pages that I ripped out of the book?

I've been doodling. It is wonderful meditation as well as a superb method for focusing intention for ... seasonal works. Peace!


  1. wow those look so cool... like prints.... I love the details and the colors you used... love doodling...

  2. What do you use to doodle with? The colors are so vibrant! I love the way it all comes together. I've been working on something sort of similar, and it's not as easy (at least for me, lol!) as you make it look!

  3. wow! those look cool! it actually looks like gift wrap... your doodles are always fantastic!

  4. Your doodling is just incredible! You're just so remarkably talented!!

  5. Love it. Will do this. Happy face.

  6. mrsb ... I used just plain ol' fabulous "Sharpies" and while the colors are nice, the photo may add a touch of extra drama (as, IMO, any "good" photo should).

    To everyone else - thanks! And I was pretty much born doodling ... art in one form or another has been a savior to me frequently in this life!

    Creation is divinity - embrace it, explore it, honor it ... dream it, do it, make it manifest!

  7. wow ... i think you've raised doodling from art form to religious experience. those are some amazing doodles! happy solstice to you, The Boy, and the pooch! :)


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