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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Time & Space

I was fighting off something today so I made time and space to rest ... sip tea ... take a long, hot decadent shower ... cheer on my immune system ... slurp some penicillin soup, watch a favored feel-good-get-better-kinda-movie, and to feel much better before feeling worse.

All in all, it was a pretty groovy day of self care.

How was your day?

PS  I love my immune system!


  1. No pencillin soup..what is that anyway? Chicken noodle? LOL. But it has been a very nice, relaxing day. And assuming the kids go to bed tonight, DH and I will sit up and sip cocoa while watching Batman Begins. :-)

  2. Learning to listen to our bodies when they tell us to slow down is so important. Good for you and I hope you enjoyed your down time:) Love, Jamie

  3. I've had a lazy day! I did post a few new items, but that's about it. Been hanging out in the forums, commenting blogs. I just finished up a course of antibiotics last night, so i'm taking it easy!

  4. i had a delightful day, thank you... a nice blend of rest, relaxation, time for friends, beloved and dinner out.... hope you're feeling better soon!!

  5. mmmmmmmmmmm, soup.

    i spent like five hours trying to figure out what to eat for lunch, and consequently had lunch at 5 pm. whoops. it's been a waste of a day, but oh well. in all honesty, we need more of those about.

  6. What a perfect day! I ran errands and then it got so dark so quickly that I didn't enjoy my day off as I should have! I think I'll sit down now and sip some tea after reading your blog! Thanks!

  7. i hope you feel better...if anyone knows how to boost the immune, it's you!

  8. Take care of yourself, Jan. Today is a perfect day to rest. I did a lot of creative work today and had fun.

  9. Renee - yeah! penicillin soup is chicken soup - the real deal!

    Thanks Annie - I'm already feeling better.

    everything ok! - that's too funny!

    Laura - no immune boosting was needed! My T-cells were ready and waiting, and with the rest and "proper" fluids, whatever it was never took hold. ::knock wood::

  10. my day went well, got a treasury, jept promoting it, went to buca for dinner

  11. So glad you made time to nurture yourself assisting your immune system! One wise woman you are. Be healthy dear lady.

    My days are quite gray, doing valentine art, photography editing and posting, poetry writing and new ideas for a children's book. Didn't realize how much I have going on...


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