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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Upcycled Beginnings

I've been craving a new crochet project, but had no yarn. Then I thought, silly me! I have a boat-load of plastic bags that I claimed this past earth day, so I started two new projects. Here's one ...
I used up all the plarn I had prepared, so now I'll have to make more to continue. Not a problem - I'll be getting that boat-load of bags out tomorrow.


  1. Beatiful blog, and what a great idea!! :)

  2. this is fantastic! i have read a blog of a lady who crochets from plastic bags as well :)) what an awesome idea! the planet should have more people like you :)))

  3. i wanted to invite you and The Boy to come and play in my new giveaway - to celebrate my new blog design and 600th post!!! im also going to be including a couple of things by YOU in the basket!!! :))))

  4. I'd be impressed just that you crochet...never mind the whole saving the planet thing too!!

  5. I've always wanted to try that! Maybe I'll try to make a large bag to keep my aluminum recycling in....

  6. Just gotta say thanks to you all. I take such delight in reading your comments!

    Annie - I saw that! And you are so blanking sweet to include something of mine!
    ==> Everyone - go visit Annie's blog - NOW at writers and witches, and words...oh my!

    And Cabash Kitten ... remove "maybe" an "try" and you'll begin moving your dream to manifestation! :)

  7. That would be the ultimate shopping bag! Great work indeed.

  8. It looks like you've gotten bitten by the crocheting with plarn craze too. Let me warn you though, it's very addicting and very hard to stop. Just look at me and my closet full of plastic bags I'm trying to hide. My husband says I'm afflicted. Oh well it's soooo much fun and who can argue with the free materials. Best wishes and happy green crafting to you all!

  9. For Christmas someone set me two coasters made from recycled plastic that was weaved ,,,they are really cool. What a great idea !


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