Get to Know me ...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

... Hard to Say ...

What did I make today?

That's a good question.

It's hard to say.

I invested the better part of my morning procrastinating. I prepared some herbals for a client and then headed south for birthday cake and coffee to celebrate my mother-in-law's 80th birthday. Today is her special day and it was a most enjoyable afternoon, listening to her and two of her sisters recall their memories growing up in West Torrington. 

That's pretty much it. So I guess I better go eat some supper and get busy making something!



  1. Did you see the video I added a couple of days ago about procrastination? Check my blog. Story of my life.

  2. wow girl, so good to know you can procrastinating! I feel more at peace now ;-) Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day, in the presence of elders. xo

  3. a little procratination is good for the soul :)

  4. Today I procrastinated too. Here is Carnaval; so we do not have class. I just read a little, sleep and talked with my cousin and my friend.:D

  5. Cris - GREAT video! Thanks for sharing. In fact, I got hooked and watched several by the same artist.

    Laughed!!!! Thanks for that. :D

  6. I know, I found those this week and have to go watch more. Hope you saw the one about how to break up; it's exactly what happens! ;)

  7. it's OK to procrastinate once in a while

  8. I bet you made an older woman happy! Having someone to listen to her stories, someone who might remember them when she is gone, probably meant a lot to her.


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