Get to Know me ...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Time & Space

Today I made time and space to do a Soul Card reading for a client. I made time and space for a client who stopped by to pick up some herbs. I made time and space to meditate, exercise and enjoy the sweet-n-simple pleasures of Home. 

I made time and space to pick up the rental car that will serve as my chariot for a mom-visit. Her birthday is Friday and the weather looks agreeable for travel to the great white north of NY state. So, kind reader, I will have limited internet access over the coming week ... so not much-if any at all-blogging ... but I will have lots to work on, including drawing-drawing-drawing, as well as lots of mom-love-n-care-n-stuff.



  1. safe travels! see you when you get back!

  2. Time and Space? This is something new to me. Anyway, whatever you are doing, just be safe.

  3. Have a safe journey. Happy Birthday, Rita!!

  4. sounds like fun. it's good to step away from technology for awhile and get back to some important things. have a wonderful time!

  5. I gave you an award on my blog. Stop by for some love.

  6. I wish you a wonderful visit with your piscean mom visit! So glad you will have good weather. Time and space.... a wonderful inspiration.

  7. Have a great week! Nothing like a little family time to rejuvenate the soul:)


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