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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Way Back Home

To my sweet little hut on my sweet little acre on my sweet little hill. Ashe.


  1. I missed you and I bet you missed your acrea - the boy and Haley - and I am sure they missed you even more! *much love*

  2. What a lovely photo. Yes, there's no place like home is there?

  3. Beautiful pic! There's no place like home:)
    ...and to welcome you home, I'm tagging you with a wonderfully new and interesting version of tag. Perfect for you and your gorgeous picture collection:)
    Stop by and take a look!

  4. Ah, sounds like you are happy to return home, welcome back to what sounds like and looks like a wonderful home.

  5. Welcome home, the best place on earth!

  6. welcome home, it is the happiest place on earth!

  7. That is so peaceful. Thank you for sharing this "slice" of your life and your beautiful home.
    Thank you also for your comment on my blog today, I appreciate it.


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