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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spirit Cords

Today I spun some new cords for my lovely new flasks. These will be filled with various oil blends of my making. It felt good to make these today. I'll be getting them listed, one by one, in my Esty shop in the coming days.

I connected with a sweet friend today, that I've not seen all winter, and we made plans to get together next week. Next week ... a week that's shaping into a very busy one, one that is putting all the foggy places in my life right there in my face to reckon with and sort through and to, well -- re-shape my priorities. Just in time for spring.

I also received news that one of my reiki students was selected as a reiki volunteer at an area cancer care center. That warms my heart so!

And, one of my cousins was admitted into the hospital today with a pulmonary embolism. Good thoughts, healing verve and prayers are all welcome. Peace.


  1. Wow, what a productive day. Mine has shapped up like your foggy day.

    Best wishes for healthy lungs (for all, quite frankly, not just the ill).

  2. what beautiful cords... i hope your cousin heals swiftly :).

  3. I love the cords and the flasks!

  4. know I <3 these! Healing thoughts and prayers for your cousin!

  5. lovely items and I hope your cousin gets well soon. =D

  6. The cords are beautiful.
    It is so wonderful to see our students do great things.
    Hope your cousin heals quickly.

  7. Thank you all! For oh so much!
    And - Cousin is stable, with good color and appetite - so that's all positive. Peace.

  8. i wish you and your family well -- love YOUR blues, too!

  9. Prayers and bright blessings to you and yours.

    Your cords and are simply devine!I'll have to check out your etsy.

    Lovely items, lovely blog. Keep it up!



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