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Monday, April 20, 2009

Bread of Life

Today I made a little progress in the garden. I planted more peas and some beet and turnip seeds. Radishes too, but I plant those frequently to mark my rows. I took the dog for a walk. I went out to tend to a few local errands and came home to start more indoor seedlings: Sweet basil, parsley, cilantro and collards. I made two loaves of bread, one of which - as you can see - has been enjoyed, hot out of the oven, slathered with butter. Life is good.


  1. looks very yummy!!!!!!!!!! mmmmmmmmm

  2. oh my that looks really good :-)

  3. wow that is awesome! I am hungry for homemade!! Looks great!

  4. looks delicious love homemade bread with butter.....YuM

  5. mm mm mm mm mmmmmm!
    *tummy grumbles*

  6. What a wonder-full life you lead! I'm a city gal and wouldn't have a clue how to do what you do!I only wish I could not only make that bread but eat it hot out of the oven a well!

  7. Beautiful Rose,
    I was thinking of making some bread today and never got around to it. It was a lovely day for breadmaking. Would you mind sharing the recipe with me. It looks delicious and I am working to make more of my food instead of buying it...and I LOVE making bread.


  8. Oh, you are a wonderful cook too! That photograph should be on the cover of a gourmet cookbook. Fabulous!

  9. Thank you, everyone ~ I do love your comments!

    And Lisa ... I haven't used a bread recipe in years. These loaves started with a couple cups of water, a couple T spoons of yeast and then added some molasses, flour, flax seed (freshly ground) ... and whatever else ... I pretty much do it as a combo of experience and FEEL. ::shrugs::

    I may YouTube a bread technique or two ... it's one of those things on my LIST-OF-NO-BEGINNING-AND-NO-ENDING! :D

  10. Nothing better than fresh bread with butter - and I'm considering a gluten free fast.

  11. sigh... you make the bread... i'll make the bricks....

  12. man, that bread looks good! but as you know, I'll pass...:)


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!