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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Herbal Food, Herbal Drink

Lemon balm water.
Marinade of green onion, sweet annie, oregano, sage and love.

A nice dinner of chicken, grilled potatoes, salad and mead to tie up a day of odd patterns and intriguing connections ... among other fine things. 

That's what I made today.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Clay Play

Today I managed much, and evening-time, enjoyable though it assuredly would have been, freed up and I am leveraging the gifted time. Today, among other things, I spun a custom spirit cord and got that out in the mail. I recorded, edited and delivered next week's In the Garden show. I marinated chicken and opened a bottle of homemade elderberry wine ... and a bottle of rhubarb mead. Now, I prepare to sip and grill and then I will sand and soften the wee pocket goddess that I started yesterday. Ah, sweet Creation, it is good to love you again.

And hey, did you miss In the Garden on Blockhead Radio this Thursday? Did you know that you can listen to the shows now, as podcasts on demand? I hope you'll check it out, and let me know what you think and offer some input as to what you might enjoy hearing me blather on about in some future show! 


The day is young, and I've not yet actually made the preparations on my list, but I have started, for a gift of sharing time with loved ones is a promise I offer myself for these accomplishments that I see before me.

I've already started preparations for my class tomorrow (weather permitting) and in doing so my memory calls on the Latin phrase non-collige virgo rosas  - gather, maiden, the roses - and all that this phrase holds ... I recall my father and in turn the following bit of poetry comes to me ...

To the Virgins  (the empowered) , to Make Much of Time
by Robert Henrick (who I still feel was inspired by Shakespeare)

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, 
    Old time is still a-flying: 
And this same flower that smiles to-day 
    To-morrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, 
    The higher he's a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run, 
    And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first, 
    When youth and blood are warmer; 
But being spent, the worse, and worst 
    Times still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time, 
    And while ye may go marry: 
For having lost but once your prime 
    You may for ever tarry.

So it is now that my roses, such as they are, are gathered and honored, beheld and enjoyed ... effort and all ... thorns and all ... reward and all. Ashe. Ashe.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Way East Again

It's so nice to be home. In many ways I feel as if I have missed the month of May here on my little acre. In any event, today I wake in my own little bed, in my own little hut, on my own little acre to heavy mists and day heavily filled with promise, renewal, reunion, creativity and loose threads to weave.

Not only that, but I have this Saturday workshop to prepare for ...

May 30
Making Your Own Flower Essences
with the blossoms of May!
12:00 noon to 4:00 PM at Walk in the Woods in Winsted, CT

Join us for the first 2009 presentation of this very special 4-hour "harvest-to-essence" workshop - a workshop intended to de-mystify the process as you create your very own Flower Essence. This hands-on workshop will allow you to choose your flower (or it to choose you) and work through the entire process of making your very own Mother Essence to take home with you to use and share with loved ones for months - or more likely - years to come! This workshop takes place outdoors, in sunshine, at my little acre in Winsted, and so depends on the weather conditions – and they’re looking good!

There’s still time to register!
Call 860.480.3642

And don't forget to join us today at 11:30 In the Garden on Blockhead Radio for Infuse Your Life with Nutritional Herbal Infusions! And guess what? If you missed last week's show you'll be able catch it this week on Podcasts on Demand. Keep an eye out!

Friday, May 22, 2009

My Way West

Today I make my way west, following the trail of the Erie Canal to the home of my mom. There I will invest several days tending this mother-daughter garden. Once again, eAccess will be scanty, at best, but I will be back next Thursday ... and I will be delighted. Upon this return I will arrive to a time and space where I will be able to sink my roots into my little patch of earth, to relax, dig in, garden, create and BE.

Until then, be well and be inspired by Nature!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today I made effort.

I'm not sure what was accomplished exactly, but I was busy. Busy with efforts in the dispensary, on the computer, in the garden, planning, plotting, doing. And still somehow there are messes everywhere I gaze. I did make my way to Simsbury to meet old corporate friends for a nice dinner. I have a day full of tasks and errands tomorrow before taking off again. This time to spend a few days with my mom. 

I look forward to the time and space that turns from May to June, for then I will be able to sink my roots into my own little acre again ... into my own garden ... to focus on the expression of Nature ... to make art and craft and love in the garden again.

Ashe. Ashe.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

You won't see much of me over the coming days. I am disconnecting myself from my eWorld for a while as I tend to other arenas of my charmed life. I'll see you on the flip side!


Friday, May 8, 2009

An Early Rise

In less than a week, the Forest Folk Festival kicks off, bringing together folks from all over New England, down the eastern seaboard, New York, Wisconsin and then some. These folks come together in the spirit of Unity to celebrate all that we share in common and to learn about our perceived differences (only to discover that they're really not so different!). These folks come together to benefit the HOPEful works of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. These folks come together to offer non-perishables and personal items to the Connecticut Food Bank. These folks come together to enjoy a spirited weekend in the woods, filled with workshops, entertainment, food, FIRE, drumming, dancing, hiking, expressing, sharing, growing, loving ... Community.

This morning, before the cock crowed, I updated our coordinators' gate-duty schedule and feeding schedule and our weekend one-sheet schedule. I updated one of my volunteers with helpful information. Now I prepare to pull together my camping, food, libation and event lists to update and consolidate them in order to make the gathering of Things Needed a simple a task as I am able.

And remember, even if you can't make it to the Forest Folk Festival you can contribute to the effort by making a donation to St. Jude or by purchasing one of my "Pure & Simple" Spirit Cords at my ArtFire Studio.

That's what I made so far today ... perhaps there'll be more to share later ...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Most of a Cloudy Day

Today was mostly cloudy and rain is on the way so I made time for more transplanting in the gardens. I continued my crazy pea trellis and will finish it tomorrow or the next day, as weather, time and motivation allow. Tomorrow is a full day complete with a Forest Folk Fest meeting in the evening and a continuation of assorted garden tasks.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

a Day of Delights

The day started with a delightful garden harvest. 

Chicken soup rich with fresh herbs and garden kale ... escarole, spinach salad with garlic chives and sweet cicely ... savory herb whole sheat biscuits ... hot tea of earl grey with pink roses and lavender ... these were the components of a delightful reunion today ... a visit from a friend not seen in the past year ... a delightful afternoon filled with catching up and much love.

The beans that were set to ferment the other day were rinsed and simmered. Black beans were rinsed and set to soak and ferment, and will be cooked in a few days time.

Some of the white and red beans found their way into dinner, along with rice and - yep - more herbs. I am delighted that we have reached that phase in the growing season where I can harvest healthy handfuls from the garden at least once a day. Absolutely delighted!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Time, Soup & A Proposal

Today I made time with a friend. You know, the kind of time shared that lasts forever and passes in a flash! I made headway on a number of projects too and ... I made escarole soup with carrots, celery and potatoes.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kitchen Love

I harvested, planted and transplanted ...
I enjoyed nettles, minus the sting - yummmm ...
I started beans for their pre-cook fermentation ...
I baked two more loaves of bread, this time whole wheat cranberry bread for my Forest Folk week ... 

I roasted a chicken with potatoes to serve with those cooked greens (above), simmered carrots and a nice escarole salad.

That's what I made today.