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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bread from Mead

I have an electrical storm ... so all you get is the title and photo today! Even so, your comment gets you an entry in Win a Whimsy!


  1. Can't wait to see how you made that!

  2. umm yum
    I would love to be closer to you
    get to stroll with you
    chat it up with you
    I made that Rosolio recipe I sent you. The flavor is more vanilla than rose. BUT it is the best vanilla liqueur I have ever tasted! Still has to sit for two weeks....

  3. Sherrie from across the pondJuly 17, 2009 at 12:20 AM

    Oh but what a majestic storm it was in T-town!! Was is at beautiful and commanding over the pond?

  4. Shell ... I took the "lees" from a rose petal mead (that's the schmutz at the bottom of the fermentation container) and mixed some molasses in it and added enough flour to make a dough. I let it rise. Punch it down, knead, it, form it and put it into the loaf pan to rise. Once risen, into the oven it goes. :)

    Oh Tammie - I didn't make the Rosolio, but I have the recipe still! I'll bet it's wonderful.

    Sherrie - the storm rocked! But ... I love the drama of a good electrical storm!

  5. That bread is very, very good!

  6. Can't wait to hear how it tasted - yummy I bet.

  7. Yum, did you make your own Mead? You have me wanting some now! Haven't had Mead for a very long time!

  8. Oh, wow, I'm so going to have to try to do this!

  9. Umm ... Anonymous ... if I don't know who you are or have a way to contact you, I'm afraid you'll forfiet any chance you might otherwise have!

    I hope you'll "fix" that!

  10. That bread looks very interesting. I want to poke it to see if it's spongy.

  11. I think it is amazing the ease at which you bake and create. Having worked in a kitchen you always hear what "science" baking is and yet you do it intuitively...BRAVA!!!

    Looks yummy!

  12. I couldn't bake bread to save my life, not even with a bread machine! Those loaves look great!!

  13. That looks great and sounds very interesting !!!

  14. Thanks for the sweet comments! :) And Curtis ... that is the lees, a by-product (though some poor unfortunates would call it waste) from mead-making!

  15. Will have to try that! Looks fabulous!


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