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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Delectable Blend

We had some elderberry wine left from last night, so I mixed it with a fresh bottle of rhubarb mead and ... it ... is ... delectable! I think it will complement the Muckies ever so nicely. So while I made several things today - not the least being a return of Win a Whimsy! - this is all I'm sharing at the moment, because I have a fire to light, weenie sticks to gather and other assorted fireside activities to manage! See ya!


  1. lovely! i really enjoyed your show yesterday!

  2. Looks and sounds luscious - My mouth is watering!

  3. The mention of Elderberry Wine always makes me remember stories my father used to tell me. Thanks for bringing those memories to the surface :)

  4. that looks so refreshing and it's a gorgeous photo!

  5. Carey Lynn - thanks, but I think that was Sky-n-Wildwoods show! LOL! I listened to it and loved it!

    Awww Witchy, how nice. :)

    And yeah - everyone - it was yummylicious!

  6. That is such a beautiful color.

  7. Now this is intriguing!! Love that your creativity extends to food and drink!

  8. Thanks - the color and flavor was - indeed - delightful!

  9. Are you making your own mead? Have never seen any of the exotic types. They sound wonderful!

  10. Oh, my, yes LynnAnne ~ I have been making my own mead for years ... and funny, I've not yet made a "straight" honey mead. I always gave herbs, flowers, fruit, *something* that demands to be part of the brew!

    And so far ... not a single disappointment! :D

  11. hmm, So is an elderberry a sweet or a sour berry?

  12. Krissy ... the elderberry is, I suppose, a mildly tart berry with a distinct medicinal sweetness, though it's not intended to be eaten as a raw berry as it holds properties that are considered less than safe - though an alchemy takes place in cooking and/or processing it for wine that renders it perfectly safe for consumption!

    BTW, most of my wines and meads are dry ... THIS elderberry wine was deliciously sweet ... and carried a good farmers' kick!


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