Get to Know me ...

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Today I tackled a number of tasks of the variety that hold little appeal for me. Today opted to be my day of responsibility, so I made a bit of ceremony to help put me in the frame of mind that I felt was needed to clear what I perceived as a hurdle. I prepped and smudged my workspace and invested several moments with my frame drum to further clear the space and ground my intention.

I took up my tools and commenced to catch up on things that had I let go a bit too long with a solid sense of satisfaction. I managed other impending deadlines with a grace that rather surprised me. I even got ahead on some work and planned my tasks for next Thursday and felt a cool sense of satisfaction wash over me - all before noon.

I recalled my corporate days when I prided myself in my capacity to manage multiple priorities, deadlines and assorted foolish tasks, pride that I wore like a badge of power. I found myself honoring that old badge with all its hard, razor-like edges, and also honoring the difference between then and now. Then I wore that badge most every day, now I need only risk the cuts of its adornment once a week.

The day was magnificent so I rewarded myself with hot cup of tea on the deck, under the warm October sun and felt a part of me open - a part that has been wriggling lately - to both release and take in a sense of Knowing that I had not felt in several months. The trees whispered to me, clearly. I felt an infinite points of connection. I grabbed my Tarot cards and flipped through them ... each one singing in a voice I have not heard in a while.

Something in this day of contrived balance offered headway in so many ways. And for this I am grateful. Ashe. Ashe.


  1. how delightful... and the pumpkin's name... it's Headway, right? :)

  2. How wonderful, I can hear the trees through your words...
    love your pumpkin too.

  3. Yes Annie ~ at least for the time being, she is Headway. :)

    Tammie ~ Don't you love how their voices carry? :)

  4. Your pumpkin creation is adorable. Well done.

  5. Thank you Poetic - yet for the record I did not make that little sweetie. It is actually another gift from my mom. It is adorable though, isn't it!

  6. a delightful day. I feel at peace just from reading about it.

  7. trees whispered... infinite points of connection. Beautiful, touching post! You amaze me, sweet Rose.
    - vicki xo

    and the MOON last night! :: sigh ::


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