Get to Know me ...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lady's Love

On the window.
On the lawn chair.
On the deck rail.
On the siding.
On the screen.
On the kennel chain-link.
On Halley's kennel door.
On the pine tree.
On the deck step.
On the deck.

On me.


  1. Lovely photos!
    Funny, because on Monday we were at a park with some homeschoolers and there were ladybugs crawling on everyone!

  2. 'Tis the season Anet! This was their second visitation here on my little acre this season. I love when they "swarm" and welcome them with open wings!

  3. Amazing pictures. Good to see so many, we had very few this summer.

  4. Gosh, just look at them all! I've never seen so many in one place!

    Ladybugs are pretty fierce! Despite their innocent looks!

  5. Thanks Jasmine - we have "swarms" every October. It's truly magical!

    Me too Eva!

    ODP - yes, they are. I love them mostly for their guardian nature in my gardens. They are voracious eaters of aphids and other less desirables! :)

  6. Oh my, I am so envious. I have a thing for ladybugs!

  7. Aren't they lovely Vixen? They were swarming again yesterday!

  8. Beautiful, it looks like my house - they are everywhere.

  9. Aren't they cool, Kim? Flitting and swarming and landing, living and dying ... It's a little piece of October magic for us!


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