Get to Know me ...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Reflections & Refractions

This morning I woke a bit agitated. Anyone who has experienced this knows that if not promptly shaken off it can stick with you the whole day. So I fed my dog - the dog that woke me with her Granny Annie squeaky toy. While she ate I stepped outdoors into the brisk healing air of morning and regarded the quarter moon, the puffs of clearing clouds, the scant dusting of snow that fell as I slumbered. My eyes were drawn to the eyes of Nature ... eyes that regard me everyday from countless places ... but today they gazed at me from the native lumber wall of my deck. Eyes so close to home.

The eyes of Nature asked me to look around, to gain perspective, to find my balance and to seek and honor the message in that agitated awakening that I had experienced.

I returned to my little kitchen to break my fast with a bowl brown rice, shoyu and ground beef from a happy cow. In this simple nourishing morning meal I realized how blessed I am to have a freezer filled with countless cuts pasture fed beef and garden harvests ... even if my pantry is a bit bare this year. And then some.

I went back outdoors to offer a bit of cornmeal, tobacco and rose petals for the gift that quelled my angst, then returned indoors to begin tackling the chores that awaited me. With love and gratitude solid in my core.

Ashe. Ashe.


  1. Rose you always leave me at peace!

  2. It is absolutely amazing what we can gain from stepping outside. Very refreshing to red this, thanks.

  3. What a beautiful post! How wonderful to live in a place that brings you such peace and centeredness!

  4. Beautiful. I absorbed some of your calmness. I needed that. Thanks.

    Yes, We Have No Bananas

  5. such a beautiful post.. the cornmeal, tobacco and rose petals are not all you have offered today.. thank you for sharing :)
    and WoW! @ the photos, absolutely amazing :)

  6. wonderful. How glorious to share your morning.

  7. Indeed, we need to be grateful for what we have and thank Herself for it all.

  8. Your photographs are beautiful.

    Thank you for swinging by my blog. Its so good to see the made4aid button on you sidebar too. Thank you. Lettuce has worked so hard getting things off the ground with made4ad I think she deserves all the help she can get, thanks for being a large part of that x

  9. How lovely. It is so important to just STOP and LOOK. So easy to ignore so often... nature and the beauty around us!

  10. The first picture is especially beautiful. What a wonderful thing to read first thing in the morning!

  11. Thanks for sharing that, it is beautiful how nature reflected it's positivity back at you despite the feelings you woke with.

  12. Thank you for passing on a peaceful reminder of our connection to nature. I too absorbed some of your calmness while reading this post.

    I was feeling the weight of my many obligations this morning, but now I feel gratitude for BEing.



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