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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Roasted Chicken

... from a local farm, stuffed with homemade bread, garden leeks and sage, onion, pepper and carrot ... served with mashed potatoes, simmered carrots, gravy, horseradish-cranberry sauce and a spinach salad. Life is good. Ashe. Ashe.


  1. Lovely meal! And the fact that you were still able to glean some bits from the garden...even better!

  2. o m g that looks delicious... =_=!!!

  3. I never thought of stuffing a chicken, how clever of you! and yum.

  4. Thanks all - it was so very good and will feed us for days to come. Sweet!

  5. I bet the little bits left over in a day or two will make some of the most delicious soup! mmmmmmm!

  6. Most definitely Eva ~ when you have a chicken that raised on a diet you know, and that got some fresh air and sunshine, simmering those bones and scraps for a day or two is not to me be missed.

    I'll even be rendering the fat so that I can make proper matza balls to go with my "penicillin soup!"


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