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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Frozen Home for Sweet Basil

The days are cooling and the nights are getting quite chilly, so it's a matter of time - and not much of it - before that killing frost creeps in. For me, this becomes an urgent time. A time to start behaving as the squirrels … scurrying, collecting and storing tirelessly during the waning daylight hours of October.

We had our first light frost last night and I am very grateful that I had harvested the last of the sweet basil yesterday. In between other tasks I somehow managed to make a simple pesto for the freezer. By simple, I mean … basil, extra virgin olive oil and salt. No cheese, no roasted nuts. This way I can add the flavor, verve and green goodness of basil to anything I'm cooking, and can always add Pecorino, garlic and nuts to it later for the thing that most folks think of as "pesto."

I make my simple pesto in the food processor, just chopping the plant matter with a touch of sea or kosher salt and adding enough oil so that it holds itself together. Then I drop dollops of it, by whatever measure pleases me in the moment, onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet and pop it in the freezer for a few hours until they firm up (I let it go overnight this time - because linear time got in the way). Then I transfer them into freezer bags. Easy!

So today, that's just what I did. I bagged my little frozen basil kisses for their new home in a deep freeze.

Side note: One thing that amuses me, year after year, is the green thumb that comes with harvesting and plucking the leaves from the plant to make this freezer preserve. It's a stain that takes two-r-three days to wash-n-wear off.

Attractive, don't you think?

That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. Oh yeah, that's awesome, I don't have any basil growing this year, but I can get some at the store and do this! Will check it out this weekend, thanks sew much for the tip, Rosemari, you rock, lady!

  2. lolol very attractive >_<
    I do love pesto sauce... never had a garden so no growing basil for me =(
    That's a great idea to store away seasonings =D

  3. what a great idea. love your green thumb it's beautiful.

  4. This morning was the first one cold enough to see my breath when I brought Brandon to the bus. The frost is coming! :-)

  5. I've heard of putting basil in ice cube trays and your method is similar. Sometimes I layer mine with Asiago or Parmesan cheese and freeze the entire container.

    Love coming here and learning other ways to preserve the summer's bounty.

  6. Thank YOU! I have basil coming out of my ears and was wondering what to do with it. I hope a blender works, if I can't find the food processor.

  7. I love basil and looks like you will have lots of it for yummy cooking. Green Thumbs are Beautiful~

  8. Yum! Love basil and parsley pesto! What a treat and yours looks sooooo good!

  9. see my thumb? gee your dumb! sorry - had to! <3 you Rosiepants!

  10. is that where green thumb comes from ;-}

    and yum yum to your green kisses.

  11. I just did mine the other day wish I had taken a picture of my thumb it was! well every bit as attractive as yours.


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