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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Eggplant Antipasto

Today, along with a grilled eggplant, pepper, onion and garlic salad for the days ahead, I made two quarts of semi-preserved, semi-pickled eggplant antipasto. I heated some wine vinegar and tossed in some sweated rounds of eggplant and let that come back to heat and simmer a few minutes. I drained the eggplant and added slivered garlic and chopped cherry hot peppers, loaded the jars and topped them well with extra virgin olive oil. It already tastes quite good, but will improve as the days pass.

I foresee using this as a side dish, alone and mixed with other vegetables, in salads, on crusty bread and sandwiches and on pizza. What else, I wonder?

That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. Yum! I think it might be good on some pasta maybe with fresh tomatoes and parmesan cheese.

  2. I LURVE eggplant, my family doesn't-MORE FOR MOI! :D

  3. eggplant are always so beautiful! i must admit, i've never tasted one though...

  4. oooo..I want an invite to pizza night please! I'll bring the vino!

  5. Sounds yummy, and the flavors will only get better as time goes on!

  6. God I love eggplant ! It's sort of like eggplant porn LOL!!!

  7. You mentioned using it in salad. I can see it in a huge pasta salad that has all sorts of other vegetables in it as well. Oops, just looked over at other comments and Mitchypoo has the same idea....yum!

  8. Love your comments! You're all so kind and *brilliant* too!


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