Get to Know me ...

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I finally dried some apples with the lovely, local, organics that a sweet friend brought to me. Apple sauce too, and I still have several fresh orbs set aside for nibbling. I prepped a modest four trays and thought my tall quart jar would hold the dried rings. Alas, even with pushing them down, which I don't like doing with dried foods, there wasn't enough room for the batch.

So I employed my "spaghetti jar" and made room for all the delicious rings.

Now … I have to finish eating and using the dried apples remaining from last year. Ah, I love the challenges that abundance offers! Peace.


  1. The apple rings look lovely. They are a favorite treat of my brother's. Great use of your spaghetti jar.

    I often look at your blog but fail to comment. I'll try to improve that b/c I'm always inspired and impressed with your posts.

  2. Would you be so kind as to post your recipe for the dried apple rings? Always looking for a new, natural treat for all of us.


  3. I would love to visit your winter pantry. All those jars of goodness in there! I'm always trying to figure out how to use items like the speggetti jar you turned into apple holder. Those things hang around here and I hate to throw them out. I'm always trying to think of better usages for them. Your use is perfect!

  4. Mmm..that looks so good. I should invest in a dehydrator.

  5. @Mitchypoo ~ thanks for your sweet words and for splurging on a comment! :D

    @Sue ~ I rarely do recipes. As for these apples, I cored, peeled, sliced them, placed them on the dehydrator trays, put them in the dehydrator at around 115 degrees F until dried to my satisfaction. That's it!

    @Healing Woman ~ I would LOVE to have you! Have fun finding fresh uses for old things!

    @astitchintime ~ I love mine!

  6. Love dried apples! I usually dry bits and use them like raisins.

  7. Very nice! I love drying apples and oranges for decoration. I've eaten too many dried apples to really appreciate them as food anymore - giggle!


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