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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Goal

Yesterday I finished processing more local, organic tomatoes into puree, this time for the freezer. Just for the record, that's a five gallon pot you're looking at and I had another gallon of roasted tomatoes to add to it. The Boy - bless his heart - helped me immensely by putting all of this through the mill to remove skin and seed. As he accomplished this, I prepped the puree in one quart packages for the freezer. All said and done we added 21 quarts to the freezer, this on top of the tomatoey goodness of fifty-some canned in our winter's pantry. Plus a quart I held aside to use for dinner this week.

So it seems that I made my goal to have at least one quart of good and known quality tomato puree for each week of the year. Dig it.



  1. Gotta love accomplishing goals! That looks yummy :) I wish I was that productive!

  2. oh that looks divine. i'm sure it's going to be fantastic to cook with.

  3. Amazing goal, and I'm very impressed that you made it.

  4. I wish I had a real freezer, then I too would be able to bake my own bread and do stuff like that :)


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