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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It to Mrs. B's Blog

That's right. Today I made it to Mrs. B's Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom blog and you should too! If you don't already know about her 31 Days of Halloween, you're missing out on some fine October fun! Every day in October you can learn about Halloween lore, get cool seasonal crafting ideas, Halloween-ish recipes, meet fellow bloggers and win stuff too.

In fact, today you could win a set of my handcrafted Flower Essences, which I will customize just for you. So get over to "On the 5th Day of Halloween" to enter this and another day-5 giveaway as well as follow the Haunted Blog Tour and visit today's guest blogger!

Have fun! Peace.


  1. ~blueberry blossom...sounds like a slice of goodness wrapped up in a little bottle...i can imagine the scent lingering...mmm...thank you for sharing such gift with us...i am off to go take a peek! wishing well and blessings always be with you~

  2. stopped by to visit from mrs b's..enjoyed your blog

  3. Yay! I'm going to Mrs. B's soon. I love her 31 days!

  4. I would love to win your lovely essences! I'm off to check it out!

  5. oh dear, I have not been by there yet, thank you for the reminder and for the lovely chance to win these!


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