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Monday, January 3, 2011

Juicy Love

Remember those peaches I harvested in August and that elixir I started? Well, today I strained, filtered and bottled it, the juicy love that it is. I made use of two old apothecary bottles that had been sitting empty and just rock-n-rolled some quick labels. If I'm inspired to make the time and invest the effort, I'd like to re- label them "Juicy Love," but once things are done, I generally move on. In any event, it's quite good - as juicy love tends to be - and I suspect it will continue to meld, mellow and improve in the bottles.
That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. Very interesting title :>} That sounds ever Juicy too ! Peace

  2. They look so good! I wish I knew how to do this. My grandmother died before she got a chance to teach me. I keep hoping you will write a tutorial one day on your blog. *hint hint*

  3. Love (love,love!!) the color! I seriously need to start trying more stuff like this - as ever, you are such an inspiration!

    The jars are gorgeous as well!!

  4. Ahhh, she sighs contentedly - juicy love.


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