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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Violet Patchouli Soap

Today I mixed sodium hydroxide with water.

I blended handcrafted herbal oils of viola leaf and calendula flower with my own rendered lard and some castor oil.

I blended the water into the oil.

I stirred and prayed. I stirred and offered song and blessings. I stirred in kaolin clay and essential oils of patchouli and carrot seed. I stirred in love and peace. And I stirred some more. And more. And more.

I poured this alchemical love into a mold, covered it with a towel and placed it in my healing room to rest, undisturbed for a day or two.

Then I took last month's soap, wrapped and labeled it, and tucked it away in my soap drawer where it will continue to cure and mellow for a couple more months before it is enjoyed in a cleansing ritual.

That's what I made today. Peace.



  1. Looks wonderful!! I particularly like the praying and singing part. :D

  2. Nummy soap. Not that I'd eat it. Glad you're doing all this cool stuff.

  3. I think soap making looks like fun, but in the end, I don't think I care enough about it to actually do it. One of these years, though, I'm going to make paper.

  4. Beautiful photos and process Rose.

  5. Thanks you all! My healing room smells Divine this morning … and the scent is wafting through my entire little hut now that i've opened the door.

    I pulled out my notes from my first batch of soap (2008, I think - though I failed to date the card) … and I may actually adapt that "recipe" to the slightly different oils I have on hand this year … it was a Calendula oil base with EOs of lavender and tangerine. I still have a couple bars - I love it.

  6. I love this post! Healing room, praying, adding love and of course, my favorite scent..patchouli. I have worn it for more years than I remember.

  7. Beautiful - and the combination sounds luscious. I'll have to make some viola oil this spring.

  8. Oh, that looks absolutely gorgeous! I loved the process you went through to get your soap-One day I hope to be able to do the same :)

  9. There is truly nothing finer than handmade soap. It was interesting to see the process of how you made them. I love the scent combinations, too. Fantastic! Theresa

  10. wonderful to witness the creation of a batch of your soap!

  11. At first glance I thought you wrote Violet Patchouli Soup and I was curious to the taste. Silly me heehee, Great SOAP tho


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