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Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Good" Coffee

This morning I made coffee. This may not seem like a big deal to you. In fact, it's not really all that big a deal to me … and yet, it is.

You see, a month or two ago I decided to drink tea as my primary, stimulating, morning brew of choice. I was delighted at how easy it was for me to make this transition (despite the naysayers with their negative enforcement of what could/should/would be). Even The Boy gave it a self-induced go and now we both sip tea in the AM at least five days a week.

My reasons for this may seem odd to most folks. And why not? I seem odd to most folks. Without rising to my soapbox … the short story is … by switching to organic and fair-trade teas (which was the household standard, anyway) for our primary morning jump-start-brew, we could support fair and sustainable coffee farming and easily afford the choice of organic and fair-trade coffee … from a locally-owned business, no less, who roasts your beans for you, upon ordering. And whether you are local or not, you can get delicious and justice-centered coffee, tea, cocoa from Coffee-Tea-Etc. Nice people, too.

If you want to learn more about the less-than-virtuous history of the coffee trade/industry (and other stimulating botanical accounts), start by taking a peek at Dale Pendell's PharmakoDynamis ~ Stimulating Plants, Potions & Herbcraft. It's a great read … which is a rare quality for such a fine "resource book."

The more you empower yourself to learn about the history and current state of things you ingest and imbibe, I'm confident you'll begin to make changes and choices that empower you, your family, your community, the world. Viva la revoluciĆ³n!

All this ~ and more ~ in a cup of "good" coffee. Peace.



  1. Great post! I do want to know more about the things i consume. I can't stay away from coffee in the morning though, cudos to you for that great healthy switch!
    I am sorry about your maple tree. But it was enlightening to see the way you dealt with this loss!
    Brightest blessings!

  2. We roast our own and buy fair trade 'green' coffee beans. It's fun altho it can become a chore sometimes.
    Thanks for your visit to my blog
    peace n abundance,

  3. I have been looking into alternatives also. O commend you for your sipping, I had done that for several years before returning to the Java Train.

    Fair trade has now come up 3 times in reference to coffee, it is time to honor the sign.
    Hugs ;)

  4. Take a short computer break and you blog up a storm (and during such a storm filled week). The coffee sounds wonderful and I will be checking it out.

  5. Yes great post :) all people are really odd, and who wants to be 'normal' anyway? :D - too dull and boring. I try to buy fairtrade/organic as much as I can. Important and good all around, both for your body and mind & the people working with it methinks.

  6. We have a fair trade shop here in Roanoke which you have inspired me to check out. Ahhhh...roasted when ordered though sounds really good.

  7. Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing this information and the link.

  8. I hear you, but I'm not ready to give up coffee.

  9. sounds like a wonderful idea
    educate ourselves and take action
    and support locally

  10. Awesome post Rose. :) Thanks so much :) xoxoxo

  11. Some good resources here...thanks Rosemari.

  12. What a lovely blog you have. I'm pleased to have found you!


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