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Monday, June 6, 2011

A Semi-Garden Salad

Dandelion greens, italian arugula, chopped chinese leeks and johnny-jump-flowers added to a salad of grocery-purchased romaine and celery complemented an otherwise sweet pre-summer dinner.

That's what I made today. Peace.



  1. Oh Yum. I've never had johnny jump -ups in a salad before. Beautiful picture.

  2. So pretty! I've had pansies, so these probably are similar.

  3. That looks gorgeous!

    I'm going to have to try adding johnny jump ups to a salad one of these days :)

  4. I wish I could grow dandelions. Beeeeyoooootiful salad, m'lady.

  5. This is almost too pretty to eat!

  6. I have had Nasturtiums they have a bit of a spicy taste... this looks amazing! Must try!!!

  7. So pretty. What do Johnny Jump Ups actually taste like? I always get excited to have some edible flowers around MidSummer, but the only ones that have any good taste are nasturtiums, and I can't always find them. While Johnny Jump Ups are right there in my mom's yard!

  8. Wizardess ~ Johnny Jump Ups have no distinct flavor and complement all kinds of foods. These are nice, too, because they bloom all season!

    Give them a try!


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