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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Time to Smell the Peonies

I invested the early hours of the day relaxing with The Boy. It was his day off. I tended to a few ToDos before heading out to pick up my five pound bag of fresh roasted, organic and fair trade coffee from Coffee-Tea-Etc. No sooner did I pick up my coffee than the sky opened up and rain fell heavy for about five minutes before turning to a light drizzle. I drove to a friend's house to drop off some herbals and visit a bit. By the time I got there the sun was shining bright again.

When I got back home I changed into work clothes and set to cleaning up one of my shade beds. Finally. One more (main) garden bed to tidy up, a flat of vegetable plants to get into the earth, as well as a few more seeds, and I'll be ready for the loving maintenance and harvests of summer's plenty.  I rewarded myself with the first peony bouquet of the season.

I relaxed on the deck, listening to distant rumbles. Rumbles that grew closer. And closer. Until, yet again, the sky opened up and rain fell, sweet and gentle at first … then heavier … until hail the size of marbles began to mix in … and I moved indoors. The sky went dark like the coming of night. Even the dog seemed to ask, "where did the day go?" Thunder and lightening, some immediate, added to the drama. The winds picked up and reached that place that inspired me to wonder if I should head to the basement. But I love storms like this. I find them invigorating and balancing. I was riveted to the performance that Mama Nature was offering on this intimate stage.

The storm passed. The rains turned to light drizzle and I stepped outdoors to honor the storm, the verve, the beauty, drama and blooms of the day.




  1. Beautiful!

    And I love the Roadrunner glass "vase"! :-)

  2. My peonies didn't bloom this year- lovely!

  3. I brought in some of our roses and one of our three peony's this year ... I hope to have more in the coming years.

    Tomorrow and next week I will be maintaining beds and transplanting the tomato's and peppers I picked up over the weekend. WOo Hoo for gardens!

  4. Miss you lady Rose and your lovely acre!

  5. The Peonies are just lovely! I finally finished weeding the front flower bed. Now need some flowers among the bushes.

  6. Thank you all for your sweet comments. I hope you all pause to smell the peonies … in whatever form they make manifest to you.

    And, yeah Vin - I thought the RR glass offered some balance to the elegance of the blooms!

  7. Such beautiful pink peonies, set against the greens of the background foliage. I, too, had a chuckle at the Roadrunner glass you used for a vase. Wonderful! I know this is a busy time of year for you - good that you can take the time to step back and "see" your world!

  8. I realize jealousy is NOT balancing, but sometimes I envy your rain and four distinct seasons. Love the flowers and the rain story.

    Gotta get new glasses, though. I first read your title as "Time to Smell the Ponies." Hmmm.

  9. I love your style of writing as well as your beautiful photography. I feel as though I actually experienced your day with you-rain-hail and sunshine.

  10. @Arlene ~ glad you like RR glass. Laughter may be the "best" Medicine, bur chuckles are right up there too!

    @JD ~ thanks. I love our seasons here, despite the winters. Yet, someplace warmer and dryer may be in my future … but not too soon. And, oh, how I laughed "… smell the ponies …" :D

    @Healing Woman ~ thank you. You are so kind. Inspired and talented, too!

  11. They are just lovely! Our peonies didn't bloom this time around...maybe next year. For now, I'll just enjoy yours.


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