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Monday, August 29, 2011

Passion & Equilibrium

The day blossomed in full sunshine, the air crisp and clear after the cleansing of yesterday's hurricane. Passion flower blooms guided me to one of my own passions, the plants. I invested several hours in my dispensary, reorganizing my many tinctures. It felt good to go through all the jars, reacquainting myself with old friends, many of them near forgotten. Other tinctures in process were strained, filtered, bottled. labeled and shelved. It felt good and right.

I moved outdoors in the afternoon, after the earth had a chance to dry a bit in the bright rays of the sun. Most of my sunflowers were leaning or uprooted from yesterday's winds, so I cut them down, a bittersweet gesture, and one the birds regret, I'm sure. I repaired a few tomato plants whose stakes had liberated themselves. I harvested tomatoes, lemon basil, more broad and string beans, and collard greens too. I trimmed the flowering tops of my tomatillos, much to the dismay of the bees, so the maturing fruit can ripen in the remaining days of summer. Garden paths were mulched with fresh grass clippings too. I enjoyed a cucumber and tomato salad with lemon basil and delicious collard greens for supper. All good Medicine for me and the gardens.

That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful!

    (Did I mention that it was beautiful?)

  2. Passion flowers just amaze me. They look totally fake. Sorry about the sunflowers.

  3. Thank you, sweet Vin!

    And Sharkbytes, I often refer to them as one of the Dr. Seuss flowers. :)

  4. so much accomplished often feels satisfying. wishing you peace and vitality.

  5. Passionflowers are amazing, and I adore them!

  6. Passionflowers are at the top of my list of favorite flowers. Such beauty! And an interesting story behind the "passionflower" name. Fabulous photo!

  7. I've never seen a passion flower! How lovely it is. It is amazing just how beautiful the weather has been after the storm. I am happy to hear you fared well - we did, as well.


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