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Sunday, September 4, 2011

September Harvests

Today tomatoes were harvested, sorted and several roasted. They will become puree for canning (The Boy is putting them through the mill as I type). Beans were picked, prepped, blanched, packaged and frozen. We enjoyed a big bowl of beans with dinner, slathered with fresh garlic, sea salt and extra virgin olive oil. A big tomato salad too, with cucumbers, and grilled, marinated eggplant.

One freezer, recently defrosted and cleaned, was plugged back in so that tomorrow I can begin loading it up with this year's goodies and transferring the contents from the second freezer so that it, too, may be defrosted, cleaned and made ready for more garden goodness and pasture-raised beef that expect later in the season.

That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. Beautiful!!! I envy your harvest. I was writing a manuscript and couldn't get my garden in this year.

  2. Enjoy seeing what all you harvested. I to have been having lots of produce. Canning and freezing daily it seems.

  3. Not only a pretty picture, but a prett good harvest. Nothing beats home grown produce

  4. Wow!! Your harvest looks beautiful! Thank you for sharing, enjoy the bounty. :)

  5. Makes my mouth water looking at the photo! Lucky you! Thank you for sharing your bounty with us!

  6. What a delightful post. Good idea to have rotating freezers. I scrolled down to a few of the posts I had missed and enjoyed reading of your tinctures you create in your dispensary. Love that term as well.


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