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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Colorful Purr

Today I revised old lists and made new lists, reviewed some of my herbal teaching materials, worked on a few mini journals, and on some pages in my own art journals … like this one … where I continued on a page started yesterday.

Sometimes doodling is the best Medicine, especially when it purrs. Today was one of those times. That's what I made today.



  1. Today I revised some lists, as well. I have let my imagination run wild with additions to my Spring 2012 Collection... I should be posting pics for that later this week. You are an inspiration for movement! Thank you, Rose!

  2. What a beautiful cat, Rose! Always love to see your creations!

  3. I checked a couple things off a list this week - it is the best feeling!

    & everything is so much better when it purrs ;-)

  4. Very funny! My lists are languishing

  5. such a handsome kitty
    with an awesome cloak of fur!

  6. So sweet! That looks like some therapeutic art.

  7. The kitty is beautiful! I just love the vibrant colors!

  8. Definitely one of the coolest doodles I've seen in ages :)

  9. I am very enamored of this colorful cat. Very nice cat indeed. I loved the colors. Is this your first or will you be making others. I would love a realistic one made that looks like a special cat that was a Shaman's cat who passed away last May 18th, 2011. Do you do any work like that if a photo is provided? email me.


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!