Get to Know me ...

Monday, April 2, 2012


I've been busy … 

… but what else is new? To me, that's life. If you're never willing to play the fool (the beautiful fool), you're missing out on a lot of life.

Right now, my life is laced with challenges. Challenges from within as well as those that come from that external world we seem to share. I embrace them ~ all of them ~ and weave them into the delicate strength that is me. My life is laced with beautiful challenges, most of which I create and welcome, learn from and grow. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm delighted to play the fool.

And if you're wondering, these images are snippets of recent entries in my "Book of Days" art journal. A journal I fool with daily. That's what I made today.



  1. Wow. Very pretty crochet. I love the colors as they are so soothing. =)

  2. One of my favorite tarot cards is the Fool...the beginning of the journey, faith that it will all work out!

  3. Cute and clever 'play on words' post~
    Your journal is precious. I'd be 'foolish' to say otherwise. LOL

  4. April fool's day we discussed the fool and journeyed on the fool's journey - when asked if we ever took a fool's journey I replied every day.

  5. Perfectly said & LOVE the way you used "laced" & "beautiful" with "challenges"...very refreshing perspective ;-)

  6. thank you for fooling around with us~ always fun to see your journal pages.

  7. I enjoyed both the sentiment and color combination for this post - and I couldn't agree more :o)


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