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Monday, May 28, 2012

Flowers, Butterfly and Face #25

Today, among a host of other garden tasks, I caught up on yesterday's intention of harvesting the sage flowers and giving my sage bush a nice May trim.

While I was photographing the basket of sage blossoms I spotted this lovely swallowtail butterfly fluttering and feeding. Like an angel, it is.

And I did get a batch of infused sage flower vinegar started. But take a look at that chive flower vinegar I started yesterday. How 'bout that color? Gorgeous, isn't it?

And I managed a quick sketch in my Book of Days to get another face created for 29 Faces in May. Four more to go!

That's what I made today. You?



  1. Funny, I made chive flower vinegar too, for the first time ever about 5 days ago. Mine looks the same, that wonderful pink. Loving your beautiful faces. : )

  2. I so love reading your posts, Rose. So peaceful, so creative. Thanks for sharing your little piece of heaven.

  3. All your pictures are so vivid with colors! I especially love the one with the butterfly; I was told once in a reading that when a butterfly crosses me, it means I'm on the right path :)

    It sounds like you had a wonderful day today!

  4. Great shot of the butterfly!! Love the colors of the vinegars and that face is fantastic.

  5. Stunning color in your chive flower vinegar... and gorgeous shot of the butterfly... your little face is darling... love the textured look...

    Jenny x

  6. Sage is one of those I have had zero luck in growing! (Just learned the secret to keeping lavender alive down here.) But I have hope.

    I love the folk-arty look of this face...beautiful turquoise eyes.

  7. What a wonderful affirmation, Kayla! To have a butterfly as such a sweet messenger is sweet, indeed. :)

    Funny, Jan … I've never had any "luck" growing lavender! Folks around me grow it, but I guess I'm just not meant to have it fresh and at the ready. At least, not yet. Best wishes with the sage!

    Thank you all for you kind comments. ♡

  8. that is a gorgeous pile of sage flowers! so pretty in the basket.

    love your swallowtail photo, i do believe it was showing off for you.

    may i ask what kind of vinegar you used? so gorgeous both.

    lovely fun face too.

  9. I look at your lovely photos and I just want to come and hang out with you in the country! Cool face - I'm certain she owns a peasant dress :o)

  10. Sounds wonderful! I harvested the rest of the chive blossoms and made a vinegar to go with my chive blossom oil. Next to harvest and dry the red clover which is really exploded this year.

  11. wow. what a discipline. i like the way you used bold strokes. they have the tendency of being overly prominent but you somehow managed to make it look just right - not "just right" in its mediocre sense, but "just right" meaning you probed and exalted equilibrium.

    i made lunch and some notes while studying law. boring stuff, right? maybe later i'll sketch something. i envy the sketch.

  12. Beautiful vinegar- what do you use that much vinegar for?

  13. I also love the boldness of this face today.... strong, unapologetic, free...

    I am going to try making chive flower vinegar [perhaps just to create that beautiful colour], thank-you for being my inspiration ;-)

  14. Tammie ~ I *usually* use a living apple cider vinegar for vinegar infusions. But I was inspired to make the crystal-clear distilled white variety this time.

    Oh, Angelia, that would be a blast!

    Kim, the red clover is exceptional this year! I've been tossing the blossoms in my salads. :)

    Sharkbytes, I use vinegar everyday, in dressings, with cooking, and some ("sweeter" varieities) with beverages. I go through gallons!

    I hope you enjoy the process *and* the outcome, Debra!

  15. Your vinegars are absolutely beautiful. 'elixir in a jar' (from Ray Bradbury's "Dandelion Wine"

  16. Ahh, yesm Healing Woman … "Dandelion Wine," a story I often revisit in the autumn. :)

  17. Thanks for reminding me how fun it is to make infused vinegar, I haven't done it in ages, but I think I'll have a go at doing it again. Thanks for the inspiration, beautiful blog!


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