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Friday, September 6, 2013

Collaged Gesture Drawings

Last night, while sitting around a fire in a beautifully magical space, listening to Wise Fools, I played fast-n-furious with some gesture drawing in the fading light. The setting sun didn't matter, since I barely glanced at my journal pages. I love doing that kind of drawing … challenging the eye, brain and hand to sync up. This kind of exercise, I believe, forces us to draw what we see and not what we believe is there.

In any event, I quickity-quick-quick sketched several faces, faces that were talking and laughing, in constant motion. It was fun and today I looked at what I had produced and collaged two suggestions of faces into my art journal for todays' 29 Faces post. In doing this kind of drawing I realized that I want to revisit this practice as well as some of the other old drawing exercises that I recall from college.

I suggested to my spouse that we go out once in while, someplace public, like a coffee shop or tea house, with out sketch pads, to capture drawings of places, people and environments outside of our own familiar realm. I said it might be like a nice date. I'm still waiting for a definitive response. I have a feeling I'll be dating myself, and I'm cool with that.



  1. What a fascinating technique. I don't believe that I have ever done that. Your results are fab. I'm afraid mine would have eyes in their hair or ears on their necks. Nice to see how you've made a collage of them.

  2. This is really cool! It is a nice way to display great sketches. Loving looking at all your creativity!

  3. I like this very much! I am just getting into collage myself by using my alcohol ink paintings that weren't 'successful' into a collage project!

  4. Hi Rose-

    I did a face with computer "painting" since it's too much like work to get out my art stuff. It's not great like yours, but it's a face. Not brave enough to post it. Email me at jhyshark @ and I'll send it to you

  5. Absolutely lovely! Wonderful! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog and leave such positive and lovely comments! Thank you!

  6. These are great... I love doing out of the box things ..One of my favorite faces is one I did totally with my non-dominant hand's all cross eyed and off balance but I love it :)

  7. Gesture drawings often capture something great and your are wonderful! They have a great energy.

  8. Great gestures. I am sure hubby would love to go with you. You may just have to coax him a little more :)

  9. that sounds like a wonderful date. i would go with you.... if (well you know the rest of that sentance)

    i love your lines and what they suggest, but also what they are.

    line drawings have become a favorite

  10. There is ease and confidence in your gesture drawings. The rough torn edges work perfectly into the collage.

  11. Beautiful gesture drawings! You communicate perfectly what each was doing the moment you chose to draw them. I love how serene the face in the top left is. :)

  12. One of the enjoyable things about taking part in 29 Faces is that I have 'met' so many artists doing just the kind of work I like to do myself - i.e., out-of-the ordinary rut. Your technique here is so unusual and inspiring, and makes me want to try out that approach in some way with my own twist.
    Thank you also for visiting me - I appreciate your comments.

  13. Really nice idea for your 29 Faces project.

  14. Hi, I had someone ask me if they had to come to this blog to sign up for the 29 faces. Now I see why! Please do not have people link to your blog for the 29 faces, it is getting confusing for some.
    I do appreciate your enthusiasm, but it is creating confusion (and more work for me!)
    Please, call your Link-sharing something that does not involve the name 29 faces.
    Thanks for participating, and I hope you understand. :)

  15. I understand Martha, and the reference to 29 Faces has been removed. Hope that's cool!

  16. These little collages are really cool! I love the combination of colors, textures, and faces.

    As far as the coffee house date, yes, one can do that alone. But your comment also implies that your spouse is someone who is comfortable with a sketchbook, which is really cool too! I was married to an artist for 15 years, and was too intimidated to do any of my own work. Silly me. Now that I'm older, I would never not do my own stuff because of someone else.

  17. Ah, and here I thought you were writing down fascinating tidbits of conversation. :)


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