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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Furiously Fast Faces and a Return to the Doodle

Yesterday was a full day, the kind that left me with little time, energy or inclination to blog. My morning-into-afternoon was enjoyed at the Connecticut Pagan Pride event where I mustered mere seconds to scribble four furiously-fast faces. The rest of the day involved various harvesting and preserving, ale on the deck, a grilled dinner, and restful evening.

Today I returned to the doodle. It's like an artful coming home, something I've done for as long as I can remember. Plus it was simple and fast, freeing up time to cook, puree and can tomatoes, harvest more garden love and plant more autumn greens.

That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. fast doodle faces are fun to see
    and do
    even if only a few moments to create

    and your artful doodles i have enjoyed for years and even live with a couple ;-)

  2. You do those quick sketches with ease! I would like to loosen up some. Maybe these four sketches will be the incentive I need to try some quick drawings.

  3. I love the energy of your doodles and face 13 is just delightful!

  4. I like your drawings, I feel the freedom in the gestures of these lines. very original and nice.

  5. I enjoyed looking at your faces and especially like your doodle. Thanks for commenting on one of my faces too.



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