Get to Know me ...

Friday, September 13, 2013


Yesterday was all about setting 'em up. Today has been about knockin' 'em down.

Yesterday was all about putting plans of action in place, about filling the cauldron and starting the fire. Today has been all about taking the action that stirs the cauldron to manifest momentum.

One of the patterns that creep into my life and into my artwork, like in today's face for 29 Faces, is that of horizontal lines. I've come to recognize them as (among other things) symbolizing upward or forward motion … like evolution unfolding … like the patterns I see in meditation or in dreams when passing through a gate or stepping over a threshold.

The horizontal lines in this simple drawing were not intentionally placed with this awareness in mind. Rather I noticed them after returning home from … stirring the cauldron … and I recognized them. I acknowledged them. I honored them.

And, hey ~ merry Friday the 13th!



  1. I had never considered that about horizontal lines but I do see your point. Your wheels in motion has an old Aztec look or maybe Egyptian.

  2. I like the way the horizontal lines look. Very nice piece and I agree with Faye. :)

  3. Great patterns and colours! Great face!

  4. That's an interesting way to think of horizontal lines. I'll have to remember that. Another lovely sketched face. I really like this style. It's bold and fun. Super colours too!

  5. Love all the patterns you have created around the face.

  6. Your style moves me! The Brillant "Frida" colours and the floe of...hmmm Georgia! Thank you for the link! Enjoy your weekend! I on catch up! but that is what weekends are for ? right? xoDebi

  7. Love your face! Find the information about the lines in your painting very interesting.

    I want to thank you again for allowing people to post their blogs on your site. I have found many interesting artist and blogs to follow.
    Sending smiles and hugs

  8. I look at the lines and I see garden rows.

    I really love your art.

  9. hello rose!!! you won my draw!! please email me you address? my email is

  10. thank you for sharing your perceptions of lines..... something i have not considered and wonderful to see in your art. i did not realize... that yesterday was Friday the 13th, cool. my mother always loved that.

  11. Your use of colours and lines are amazing! Thanks for commenting on my post too!
    Have a wonderful day

  12. I really like this. It looks like a postage stamp from the Mediterranean. How fun!

  13. Tere is a calming effect repeating a line over & over sometimes, like meditating but I love the way yours are almost that precursor to action, isn't it amazing how much we have to do before we 'do' something :) Love this, haven't posted for a while, this inspires me to take action myself :)

  14. That's interesting about horizontal lines. It's a beautiful piece--calm and colorful, like someone I would want to be. And I agree about needing both the set up and the stirring the cauldron--that's something I'll be thinking about today.

  15. She's thinking hard behind those lines

  16. So bright and cheery. I see this hanging in a young teens room.

  17. Very nice! The colors are so vibrant and your piece has a wonderful energy!


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