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Monday, August 11, 2014

August heART - Sunflower Medicine

Today's August heART is a very quick sketch of a patch of garden sunflowers. Even they're getting a late start in blooming this year. The diligent gold finches have been checking them daily for the past week or so, and just yesterday began plucking the upper petals to get better exposure to the seed heads. I love watching them do this. It amuses me. Not simply for the act, but because I know folks (we all do) who would find this irritating. There's Medicine in that awareness.

With that, I have things to do and places to go, and more heART to create, so ~ yet again ~ I invite you to visit the links of our August heART participants, leave them a comment, and add a link of your own if your have some heART to share.

And remember to follow to sun.


1 comment:

  1. Sunflowers are so interesting. We watched whole fields of them track the sun and follow our hiking all day long.


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!