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Sunday, August 10, 2014

August heART - At the Farmers' Market

August heART - At the Farmers' Market
I had a great time at the Watertown Farmers' Market yesterday, demonstrating the simplicity of brine fermentation with wonderful produce purchased on-the-spot from the wonderful farmers. I started a simple batch of cucumbers with onions and peppercorns, and a blended batch of sweet bell and jalapeƱo peppers with garlic and coriander seed. Already, this morning, they're bubbling away and will be delicious in no time.

If you have salt and water (untreated or filtered) in your kitchen, you can start your own ferments today. Just make a brine by adding 2-3 tablespoons of salt (kosher or sea) to a quart jar of water. The more salt, the slower the fermentation, so I tend to use 2 tablespoons for quick ferments, and 3 tablespoons for those intended for longer storage. But, back to the brine ~ Cap the jar, shake it until the salt is dissolved. In another clean jar, add your veggies, herbs and spices ~ whatever's available in season, whatever you like, whatever you have on hand, and pour the brine over them, to cover, cap and let ferment on your kitchen counter. Check it daily, to release the carbon dioxide and to taste the brine. Once the brine tastes interesting you you, sample the veggies. Once it's to your liking you can put it in cool-storage to enjoy for as long as it lasts. And, for the record, it can last for months! Fermentation continues, but slows down when kept cool. We're still eating ferments made last September.

But, back to the market ... I met some great people, shared some fine conversation, saw an old friend or two, missed seeing others, and encountered a couple kindred spirits as well. Plus, I made time for a quick sketch for August heART to which I added color this morning. Did a little extra shopping before I left the market, too. I'm enjoying a fabulous plum as I type! In any event, I'm looking forward to next week's spontaneous demonstration already!

Fermenting cucumbers and peppers, made at the Watertown Farmers' Market
As for today, it's my spouse's birthday, so this morning, while still cool, I made him a coffee-cocoa cake, which he wants to have for lunch, so I've got that to look forward to! Plus I have some August heART blog party-goers to visit ~ I hope you'll visit them too. And if you have some heART to share, just add your link (below) and join the party!


  1. Great little drawing ! Thanks for sharing the recipe for the brine.... I'm off to do some cucumbers and probably zucchini.... seems to have an abundance of those :)

  2. Fine to hear that the market was such a pleasure for you! Your progress remins me on my beloved gherkins I ate as I was a child in the Vienna "Prater" ..there were men with a big barrel of this cucumber in salt and they sold them ..delicious!
    Fantastic watercolor sketch!

  3. Sounds delish and easy as pie. Nice drawing.:)

  4. You do have rings for the bail-top jars. Do you have to order them? I haven't ever had fermented stuff like that, I don't think. Wonder if I would like it. But it looks gorgeous.

  5. Oh, yeah, Sharkbytes, I use the old bail jars for all kinds of food storage and even canning. I pick mine up at my local hardware store. I imagine they can be found anywhere canning supplies are sold.


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