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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Horseradish Leaf and Flower Infused Vinegar

I picked a beautiful bouquet of horseradish blossoms, and while they are beauty to behold, they are also delicious. So I chopped some up, filled a quart jar and covered it with apple cider vinegar ~ the living stuff. I'll let this sit and macerate for several weeks before straining, bottling and enjoying.

I'll make more and I imagine that much of it will end up in a blend.

If this intrigues you, you might want to follow along on the recently resurrected blog, When Weeds Whisper!



  1. Interesting and makes a lovely cut flower, now on my do do list.

  2. Intriguing. I just passed both of your blog addresses to a friend. He likes all things natural and I'm sure he will love your postings.

  3. I just love all the possibilities with vinegar and wild things from the yard.

  4. i can only imagine how good this is. i do enjoy horseradish. yum.


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