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Friday, May 22, 2015

Laughter, Despite the Odds

I was inspired by a recent art journal spread created by Effy Wild. I hadn't worked with the hand-trace in a while and I do love all the potential meaning in the the image of the hand and hands. This journal spread was perfect for my busy May of planting, seeding and spring harvests: Fast and Furious.

The outcome was humorous and meaningful, dark and ripe ... with light. I laughed right out loud when I looked at the spread after toying with the "background" color a third time and thought, "Yep. Melts in your mouth..."

Folks who know me know that I relish my Shadow, know that the darkness in me and in my life is a deep pool of potential. Potential light. Light that enables me to smile in the grimness, laugh in the meanness, and stay the course of optimism in a (sometimes) gloomy sea of pessimism. And so it was with this simple journal spread.

I look at this spread... and I laugh! And that's Good Medicine.

That's what I made today. Laughter, despite the odds. And I'm sharing this laugher with my creative friends at Paint Part Friday ~ because it's Friday, at Art Journal Journey ~ because there is a sea reference, and with Mix It Monthly ~ because my hands are a happily coupled symbol of the Power of choice and manifestation.



  1. Lovely work. We all have light and dark in ourselves, and have choices to make! Laughter is always a good medicine! Valerie

  2. Fantastic journal spread. Laughter can be healing and give huge relief.

    Love and warm hugs

  3. Beautiful! Love the strong colours and the thoughts behind it ....

  4. What fabulous page with fantastic colour! I love it.

  5. Love this page!! I saw Effy's page too and I do hope to do something with the hands one day too:)

  6. Happy and vibrant pages today!

  7. Wonderfuly vibrant. I will do something like this if/when I get back to art journaling.

  8. I love and your words really work with this. And made me smile. The only thing is now I want some M&M's. Have a fabulous happy weekend and don't let the pessimists get you down.

  9. I love doing hands and have done a few canvas with hands and some with feet. Love what you did with your hands. Full of life and movement.

  10. What a fun piece, love the vibrant color and the font on the wording!!Great it!I love art where hands are the main subject matter!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. Gorgeous spread with this beautiful hands Rose!

  12. Like the colours and the positivity of your post

  13. Laughter is good medicine topped with some creative juices and it's perfection.

  14. Great page!!! We all are both light and dark with out both we are not complete :)

  15. Your post was filled with wisdom. Yes, we all have the shadow side but it is what we do with the shadows that is important. Laughter is truly the best medicine. I love your vibrant colors and beautiful artwork. Have a wonderful week.

  16. Awesome spread and your words really resonated with me this morning. Thank you for the reminder and sharing your laughter! Hugs, Rasz

  17. laughter sure is good medicine
    this is a wonderful and striking piece

  18. Awesome spread! Tells from so much energy! I adore the happy colors and the way you give this spread such an individual touch!! So glad you shared it!! ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  19. What an original idea for a Happy Couple with beautiful mysterious art and lovely writing too.

  20. Wonderful thoughts and painting, dear Rose, I love both!
    Happy Spring time and love

  21. Wonderful artwork for your pages along with the perfect narrative too that really speaks to me!

  22. Beautiful work. Yes, with hands you can do so many happy things.


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