Today I got another 18 tomato plants in the earth, 18 cucumber plants too. I still have more tomatoes and tomatillos and peppers to get to, and more basil and parsley too. And onions and leeks. And still some seeds.
I did more preparation for the lecture I'm offering at this Saturday's HerbFest Country Fair, harvested a boatload of rhubarb and did some grocery shopping.
I inventoried my 29 Faces and realized I missed posting the little face at the top of this post, a tiny entry in a multi-day spread. The green-eye flower girl and the three (possibly unfinished) sisters from these past couple of days catch me up and actually surpass the 29 Faces in May commitment by one.
These faces filled up my Book of Days, titled, "Connections." So today I finished the cover for my next Book of Days art journal, and it pretty much continues the theme, only … different. Sorta.
The Boy has the next few days off, and we're sure to get a lot done, what with the magic of synergy and all. Saturday I'll be at Holcomb Farm in Granby, Connecticut celebrating and enjoying the HerbFest Country Fair. I sure to see some of you there!
That's what I made today.