Google+ What I Made Today: April 2023

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Newport Pound Cake, A Classic


It’s April, and the chickens are back to laying well. I’ll be making some pickled eggs for longer term storage 'n' enJOYment, for sure, yet in the meantime, since I don’t use the oven in the warmer months, a poundcake that uses five eggs seemed perfect project for the day.

Such a classic.

The recipe I used came from the 1938 version of Fannie Farmer‘s cookbook, The Boston Cooking School Cook Book. Another classic.

I shifted some of the process around, and used almond extract in place of the vanilla. I am so, so, so looking forward to slicing this to enJOY a piece with a cup of tea. ::nods::

Peace. 🕊

Saturday, April 1, 2023

April Weed Walk

April showers filled morning the hours. By early evening blue sky and sunshine took over.

Now that most of the snow is melted, we can witness so much of the rooted kin that are making manifest. These are just a few…

The black currant buds are swelling...

... the Rhubarb is emerging... 

... the butterbur is budding...

... the lungwort is returning...

... and the Valerian is making itself known.

Food and Medicine for all life.

Peace. 🕊