Google+ What I Made Today: Destruction and Creation

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Destruction and Creation

It's the first day of August, a day that I most often refer to as High Summer. The gardens are perched on explosion and the season of urgency approaches. The cherry trees are already dropping leaves, the wild phlox is beginning her bloom, yet the golden rod is taking her sweet time this year, offering me pause. Mystery thickens in this season, with the beautiful chaos of destruction and creation making manifest most everywhere I glance. Destruction and creation … I experience them as a single verve, dancing together — always together — in a whirl of magnificent Mystery.

Today I made time for work, the dentist, and some garden play before the rains started. Once indoors I tidied and cleaned a bit in honor of the Wise Fools that will be visiting this evening. I tidied and cleaned myself too, and made time for a little destruction and creation in the kitchen, in the dispensary and in the studio.

That's what made today … on this beautiful dancing day of Mystery.


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