Get to Know me ...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Way to the Woods

Today I finish organizing all the home-away-from-home items and pack them for transport. For soon (very soon) I leave my little acre, my silly little hut on the hill (my gardens!!!), to set up camp on a little slice of sacred paradise, with folks of like mind and like heart.

There we will create hearth and home together, with open fire and tents, with love and companionship, healing and growth, work and play, stillness and activity, with drum and dance, food and fun, ale and mead, stories and stillness, with creativity and being . . . 

So, kind reader, I bid you fare-thee-well for now as I make my way to the Woods of Love. Ashe. Ashe.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Space & a Squeal!

I framed and hung a couple of old watercolors that I painted . . . one when I was still in the corporate world . . . the other, sometime between then and now. I made space over my desk for them both.
When I got the mail and there was an envelope postmarked from Australia. My most recent Etsy purchase arrived from KateDoodlez and when I opened it I made a squeal of charmed delight!
To purchase a fabulous work of creative expression from a talented 9-year old artist is a truly wonderful thing! Isn't it wonderful? Not only that, but this work by Kate inspired my own recent Witch drawings and paintings. What a sweet blessing.


My friend Sherrie pulled a black pseudo suede coat out of the garbage and brought it to me - as a gift. Garbage as a gift! That means so much to me. I LOVE it! She said she knew that I would be able to make something of value with it. 

Base metal to gold, baby! Base metal to gold!

My upcycling efforts began with a small gift of gratitude for her. It needs a detail, but is almost done. But that's for her. This morning I was inspired to create something for me. ::squeal of delight:: Something to enable my paint brushes to travel easily with me. And so I followed through on that inspiration . . . 
It's very rock-n-roll-n-rough around the edges, but it is highly functional! I'm pleased.

As I surveyed and cut the old coat I spotted a pocket. A pocket already made for me. A pocket with snap closures. A pocket that is a perfect size for my Spirit Cards . . . 
That's what I made today. Base metal to gold! And the day is still so young! 

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Peaceful Doodle

A good a start as any . . . a little crayon . . . a little paint . . . a little peace . . . 

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Batch #1 of ???

The first of the zucchini pickles are tucked in. I wonder how big a bed they'll need this year?

Friday, July 25, 2008

A New Art Journal

The cover is started, as you can see. Embellishment to follow. And I've already started page one. Such fun, this! Things of value . . . things of value . . . things of value . . . 

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Two Gallons of Mead: Bottled

One gallon of rhubarb mead and one gallon of rhubarb-cranberry mead, bottled, corked and ready to mellow. That's what I made today.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Win a Whimsy Wednesday!

Magic of Love
High Priestess
Hallowed Harvest

Light of the Golden Moon

Oops! I grabbed the pre-cut Bristol board instead of the watercolor paper, so she's a mistake. A mistake I added to (lines on the pumpkin). A mistake I'll be keeping for a little inspiration.

Two winners this week (no Win a Whimsy next Wednesday) - - - 

Congratulations Ryan!
Congratulations Kittyism!
And thanks, everyone, for playing!

Monday, July 21, 2008

I picked a basketful of zucchini and zephyr squash . . . I ate some raw, I sautéed some with butter for supper and grilled some to add to this mixed summer veggie salad that will be enjoyed cold over the next couple of days.
I made time to wander my gardens, to inhale the fragrance of life (and death), and to witness the absolute beauty of flawed perfection.
I made honor in play with watercolor (it still needs something more).
I received some silly inspiration for one of the creative beginnings that made manifest a few days back.

That's what I made today

Sunday, July 20, 2008

This & That & A Realization

In clearing the freezer for this year's impending harvests I discovered 10+ pounds of blueberries from last season. There is a story there. One involving a lost mead-making "bible" and grand reluctance on my part to act without it. I realize now that loosing that resource has given me a new lease on brewing mead, wine and ales . . . for now I do it much as I cook - from a place innate knowing, place of pure intuition. So today, I thawed those blueberries with about 5 pounds of rhubarb . . . I brewed some strong tea, simmered two banana and squeezed the juice of one lime, measured our sugar and water . . . and thus began a new batch of wine.
Sprouting garlic went into a blend of infused vinegars to make a super-infused vinegar (and to use up last year's batches). Already it smells divine.
And I played with a bit of collage and watercolor which manifested in these sweet silly creations.
That's just a bit of what I made today.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Snack & A Going Away Gift

A little yogurt and fresh picked blueberries make a fine, fine, fine mid-morning snack.
I was invited to a going-away party for the daughter of a dear friend that I don't see nearly often enough. Actually, the daughter is as much a friend as mom. She is moving far away and her mother is already missing her deeply. It is major life shift for both of them. Still, just another facet of their shared journey. In any event I made her a little something to slip into a pocket for her travels. And then some.
There's more. But that's enough.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Fun of My Spouse

I made time in the early morning sun to admire the first bloom of my garden sunflowers. Brilliant!
I made lunch. Yummy!
I made fun of my spouse . . . 
... who still insists that he burns. In truth, he tans like George Hamilton. Well, where the sun reaches. Jackass!

That's what I made today.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Creative Beginnings

Today was a full day, but that's the season. I am glad that my mom-visit is pushed out two weeks. This way, we can play Win a Whimsy next week and I can draw two winners in August (just in case anyone was wondering why I only drew one winner after all - Eva :P). Anyway, I made these watercolor beginnings. Tomorrow I will lay over the top with inks. Not much, but a beginning t something new!
The boy arrived home with this pre-Freya's Day wild love bouquet. Beautiful! We bottled 5 gallons of IPA to put away with the Melissa and Cardamom Ales I bottled yesterday. Sweet!  
Then dinner was harvested, grilled and enjoyed on the deck as we watched the gardens grow.
Now we rest and prepare our beings to create our worlds again tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Win a Whimsy Wednesday!

I hope today's winner loves to read because I'm giving away another Scrap of Inspiration book mark, made with scraps of vintage fabric. In fact, since I won't be posting next week, I'll draw TWO WINNERS this week (to be announced tomorrow morning)!

So . . . to play Win a Whimsy, simply leave a comment to this post that answers this question: 

What is inspiration made of?

Remember, whimsical responses are always appreciated!


Congratulations Casbah Kitten and thanks for playing!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Breakfast & Play

I didn't really make breakfast, the garden did. I just harvested and munched. It was a morning fit for a Queen.
As it should be.

My friend Sherrie claims a need to "learn" to play. My feeling is she simply needs to remember. So this afternoon she came for a visit and we played with bristol board, card stock, envelopes, pens and colored pencils. I made more little inspirations and as we played, I found myself making this silly little card . . . 
That's what I made today. 

In the past week I have been given the Brilliante Weblog award by two fellow bloggers, Nici of ArtShapedWorld and Julie of Julie’s Art! How sweet is that?

Admittedly such recognition feeds my sometimes voracious ego, though not without a sweet dose of humility. In any event, I am reminded of the value to doing what is meaningful and heartfelt, because – you see – I blog for me and not for anyone else. I express what I want and what I feel in the moment. Selfish wench that I am. J

Selfish or not, it is time to pay this honor forward . . . though be warned, I'm not playing my the "rules." Shocked, eh? My Brilliante Weblog Awards go to:

Then there’s Annie and Kim, Tascha and Kittyism, and others that’s I’ve already honored with another blog award. So while I honor them again, I’m breaking “the rules”  and not holding them to these hoops to jump through! Because, if you ask me (and lets just pretend that you did), 5 is plenty, 4 will suffice and 7 is just plain overkill.

With that, thank you again Nici and Julie - I truly appreciate it! And to those I honor today, you may pay this forward by selecting favored blogs of your own to honor!

The rules (the one's I, well, you know...) of accepting are as follows:

1) Put the logo on your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on yours
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Now Go! Read! Comment! Celebrate Bloggodiversity! 


Monday, July 14, 2008

Sacrifice & Salad

I've been making mead and wine for several years now and while some batches have been better than others, all have been quite drinkable. A few months back the boy made a strong scotch ale variation that ended up sour and quite undrinkable. Today we sacrificed half that batch to the earth. Tomorrow, we'll sacrifice the rest. In the meantime it frees up the vessels that are needed for the upcoming porter variation that is ready to bottle.
It's sad, making such a sacrifice, watching foaming brew flow and absorb into the earth. Yet, sacrifice of any kind is never easy to make. 

Still, the vegetable garden compensated by making a sacrifice for me. It offered up the most glorious makings of a summer salad. Before . . . 
. . . and after!
That's what I made today.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Way There & Back Again

I made my way to Pickle Palooza at the Coventry Farmers' Market today. I made my home again, though barely, it seems. I had very drowsy eyes on the way home. 

It was a grand time, with great vendors, produce, plants, yarns, pickles, pies, crafts, herbs, music, lectures and demonstrations. Coventry knows how to do a special farmers' market - make no mistake!

But I was glad to get home. I unpacked, put things away, then grabbed my book and headed to the deck where I promptly dozed off in the afternoon sun. I woke refreshed, picked some nice lettuce from the garden and made a huge salad for supper. Then I tended to the garden again.

I visited that Etsy place, did a little promotion, and checked on the new shop in the family . . . Open Air Painting by Rick Derwitsch (AKA: The Boy). There you can see, enjoy and purchase beautiful works of art, like this:
With that, I'm off to make more time to rest, relax, recharge and renew! 

Friday, July 11, 2008

Harvests . . .

The day started with a beautiful deer wandering through the yard. I managed some Saturday class prep and Sunday farmers' market prep early in the day before heading out to tend to utilitarian errands.

Once home again, the gardens called to me with pinching, tying, mulching and harvesting to tend to . . . 

Vibrant red and black currants that will likely end up in a mead or wine. 

A few of the smaller garlic bulbs were ready to be pulled.

I paused and made time to enjoy the blossoms of July.

And the day began its closing act with an honor to the verve of Deer that opened my day. This while relaxing on the deck sipping a nice California Asti embellished with a few currant berries and crunching potato chips. That's right--potato chips. 

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Win a Whimsy Wednesday!

It is time to play Win a Whimsy!

Just leave a comment to this post letting me know what you do for FUN and PLAY! You'll be entered in a random drawing to win an ACEO Doodle - like the Doodles pictured below - but one made just for you! The winner will be announced tomorrow morning.

So ... what DO you do for FUN and PLAY?

Congratulations to Originals by Lauren for winning this week's whimsy! Go visit her at and leave her some love! And THANKS to all of you for PLAYing!

CONGRATULATIONS Originals by Lauren!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

An Elemental Homage

My commitment to a Doodle a Day is evolving. Little by little I am remembering how to draw, how to feel comfortable again with pen in hand,  how to translate an image from heart to paper again.

Today, out comes the little tubes of watercolors, the watercolor paper, the brushes and my little mixing shells. Today I am remembering how to play with paint again. And for this I honor that from which life is conceived . . . again . . . and again . . . 

Laughter, Love & Peace

What did you make today?

(Don't forget - - - tomorrow is Win a Whimsy Wednesday, so come back for your chance to win . . . something like you see here right now . . . perhaps?)