Google+ What I Made Today: An August Verve

Saturday, August 1, 2015

An August Verve

Hard Neck Garlic
Merry August and welcome to the last full month of summer!
Ripening Tomatoes
The tempo of the season is picking up pace on my little acre and I know that in August things will start revving up like mad, with the kinds of daily tasks that can not be rescheduled. As July came to a close, summer garden harvests began to find their stride.   We harvested our garlic harvest and new seeds were planted for late summer and autumn harvests (and that continues). 
Buckets of Beans
But now, August ushers in daily pickin's of beans, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, various herbs, and other gentler harvests that only demand attention every other day or so. As a grower of my own Food and Medicine it's not only a busy time, it's an exciting time. And for those of you who receive my newsletter, this is redundant, but it's true: The cycles of the seasons never cease to amaze and inspire me.
Cilantro, Daikon and a Wee Carrot
I project that August will be a challenging month for me, with classes, workshops, consultations, demonstrations, art and craft creating, and the tasks that fill my pantry... and I'm up for it!



Kim said...

Rose, we who inspire to put by as much food stores as possible certainly do need to be sure and take our B12 in August and Sept. I have apples to tend to and zucchini at the moment. I do hope that keeping up will not wear you down to much.

Tammie Lee said...

your tempo does sound full
overflowing with the spirit of summer
and also of harvest
summer will come to an end just in time to rest and breathe
and embrace a new season
wishing you all the peace you require as you take step after step

Rita said...

What a harvest! Here is drought ridden California I am still getting some nice cherry tomatoes but that is about it.

Christine said...

loving your summer photos, and its bounty!

mandysea said...

oh my, your post inspires me, and while we are in freezing winter here, I cant wait until spring and when the soil warms enough to sow some seedlings.....
Your photos are natures beauty at its very best. Happy August for you!!