Google+ What I Made Today: Honor to the Season of Renewed Growth and Burgeoning Abundance

Friday, April 21, 2017

Honor to the Season of Renewed Growth and Burgeoning Abundance

 It's the season of gardens and greenhouse, and tending to the basement babes under the grow-lights.

It's the season of observing the robust reemergence of rhubarb, and marveling at its rate of evolution.

It's the season of waiting patiently for comfrey to grow large enough for first harvests to dry for future infusions, and to use for making seedling fertilizer, for mulching, and enriching the compost.

It's the season of dandelion harvests, for leaf, root and buds.

It's the season of free ranging hens, delighted to forage in the unfenced, mulched garden beds that will soon bloom with the color and verve of daylily, sedum, lemon balm, sunflower and other surprises.

It's the season of burgeoning cleavers, to harvest the for early spring infused water, for additions to cooking, as well as waiting for the reaching growth of this amazing plant to harvest later in the season for tincture making, drying and - quite possibly - roasting some of the wee seeds for a caffeinated beverage treat.

So, yeah, my season (and yours) of renewed growth and burgeoning abundance is taking full root. From here, the pace quickens, and quickens more, until we reach the eventual first frost, still months aways, yet not far off.


1 comment:

Tammie Lee said...

Looks like your little patch of earth is thriving under your care and the care of mother nature. This will be my year to get to know cleavers a little bit. I did see them growing on my land last year, but felt uncertain as to how to use it. Lovely Earth day to you ~