Google+ What I Made Today: My Way, My Dinner, My Music

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Way, My Dinner, My Music

Today I made my way to Meriden to meet with fine folk of the forest for one of the final planning meetings before our festival in May. Food, friendship, homebrew, hospitality, love and laughter were shared, complete with a sweet dollop of generosity. It was a worthy day. Once home I made my way into the garden where a hand full of green harvests were cooked up as a hot side dish and the rest added to a most savory salad, all served outdoors under the faded green umbrella. Twilight drew a drum outside for a lively rhythmic duet. Now, it is time to make rest, renewal 

That's what I made today.


Ry said...

Speaking of green goods..I thought of you this morning while watching the news. They had a local chef on who was making pasta with Fava Beans, and Nettles. He talked about how the can be wildcrafted and need to be blanched before eating to remove the "sting" was rather impressed.

Unknown said...

sounds like a perfect way to spend the first day of summer weather! i look forward to forest folk!

Anonymous said...

Isn't summer weather wonderful? I love living in the woods and keep my back door open all the time. Can't wait for my peas to be ready to eat!

Yi1ian said...

What are the lovely greens in this photo? We think we identified leeks, but weren't sure about them.

Silke Powers said...

Your greens looked so lush! What were they?

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Hey Ry - verrrrry cool!

As for the greens I am holding ... those long greens in the forefront are scallions (onion greens). The leafy greens behind them are Russian kale. Both of these are second year, meaning I started them last year, allowed a few to over-winter so that I could have some early harvests, before they go to flower. The kale is just budding up and perfect for spring harvest, a nice simmer, and a vital dose of minerals!

The little bunch peeking our at the top is sweet cicely, a fabulous herb with a mild licorice flavor. It added an awesome flavor-edge to our salad!

Tammie Lee said...

Lovely day it sounds to me. Those greens are glory to my eyes!