Some of you might know that last year I invested some energy and made some life-magic to reconnect with my younger Self ... specifically my teen-Self, and at that time I understood that while this journey would yield creative bounty, it would not be without challenge.
It was through this effort that I reconnected, in a very tangible way, with the visually creative Self of my youth. It is that Self that inspires doodles like this one:
I connected with other aspects of that youth. During my teen years I suffered a number of injuries that cascaded from physical traumas realized earlier in my life. Like, from birth ... and onward. I realize now, that the recent back challenge that has surfaced for me is distinctly tied to this ... journey.
I was born with polio. It had a physical impact on my left foot and leg. Given the nature of polio, I'm quite delighted to be here ... "flaws" and all.
I went through two tendon transplants, and one (attempt at) "corrective" bone surgery before I was ten years old. Physical therapy wasn't what it is today and the ordeals left my left side weakened. Even so, I did my best to keep up with my peers and I did quite well. Then I broke my left knee and treatment was delayed (but that's another story). Then my knee would "slip out of place" from my teen years into adulthood. In those teen years I managed to break a few bones in my left foot too.
It is no surprise to me that my body is bent, tilted and twisted ... heck, those words mirror quite well how many folks might describe me in life. But now ... today ... I got to see pictures of my hips, my back and my neck and I Know the challenges that I have faced in my youth will support me well moving forward in this new phase of my life journey ... and while my ideal balance is atypical, I will seek it with a passion, and honor it with love.
So today I look back to a "past" drawing, style rooted in my youth, on which I am making progress ... and I look back on life experiences upon which I build, heal, learn and make progress.